Indian Concept of Time
The word 'Kala' in Sanskrit language means time. It means the force which has the power to destroy all objects in the universe. It also signifies the past present and future. Hindus have peculiar division of time. The reckoning of time ranges from a 'Yuga' to 'Tatpara'. The Hindus consider 4 yugas viz. 1) Satya yuga 2) Treta yuga 3) Dwapar yuga 4) Kali yuga. The duration of kali yuga is said to be of 432000 years. The duration of Dwapar yuga, Treta yuga and Satya Yuga is twice, thrice and four times of Kali Yuga respectively. The Hindus considered the commencement of Kali Yuga in 3102 BC. Sixty year cycle The Hindu’s have also considered the cycle of sixty lunar years for the purpose of reckoning time. This is usually used for predicting mundane events. Let us first understand the ‘Vedic time cycle’. There are sixty years in one cycle, which are again sub-divided into twelve parts ca...