Recently someone asked me about the scientific meaning of Shree Saraswathi Yanthram and I thought many of you may have same question. Many Hindus have been drawing and praying Shree Saraswathi Yanthram or Shree Saraswathi sign since childhood. Many of you may know that Shree Saraswathi is a goddess of 14 Vidya or sources of knowledge and 64 Kala or art forms. Therefore, she is also a goddess of creation and creativity. On another note Shakthi is represented by a triangle in Vedic culture. The real meaning of word Shakthi is skill. You may wonder why a skill is represented by a triangle. A skill is represented by a triangle because a skill requires perfect coordination between Mind, Body & Intellect. The 3 sides of a triangle represent Mind, Body & Intellect. Let’s learn about Shree Saraswathi Yanthram in this context. Below is a picture of Shree Saraswathi Yanthram. As you observe the pictur...
Untold Nakshatra Jyotish (Fifth Edition) This book is your everyday friend philosopher and guide. First, it explains the 7 principles of joyful living. Then it explains how Vedas is an integrated science. Finally, it helps you with daily astrological guidance. This includes Muhurta, compatibility with friends and partners, and beneficial and not-so-beneficial planetary positions. It also offers various remedial measures for each Nakshatra. Every Nakshatra has a deity and a symbol. Various stories are associated with each deity. The book explains the hidden meaning of each story. The book also explains the hidden meaning of the symbol of Nakshatra. We have given original references from Vedas for various Vedic stories to maintain their originality. The nature of the person born in each Nakshatra is explained along with the rulership of each Nakshatra of various material items. Even here original references from classical texts have been provided. Every Nakshatra has a...
Many times we want to understand more about our life. We would like to know where we are headed. We get questions like Whether a job or business is more appropriate for me? What shall I look for in my spouse? How would my life be? How would my relations be? Whether I would gain a position of power? "What's the purpose of my life?" How much would I grow? You will get answers to such questions in this report. This report is helpful to spouses to understand each other better and it can also help to guide your kids appropriately. Here is the Sample Report for reference. ( ). The fees for this report are Rs. 500 for Indian residents and $10 for Foreign residents. Here are some sample pictures from the report.
The timing of events is a hard nut to crack. The Dashas are widely used in Vedic Astrology. However, Dashas have their advantages and limitations. Some people have their set of rules to time the event. I have been using the Dashas and Transits in combination to predict the timing of events. The way I apply transits has many advantages. This book is a small compilation of the method I follow to predict the timing of events. Here are some of the advantages of the method. 1. Identifies important milestones in life. 2. Predicts the timing of an event with fair accuracy. 3. Applies Transits to Divisional Horoscopes. 4. Identifies eventful phases in life. 5. Identifies the patterns of events. 6. Predict the horoscope of the Progeny. This method is a good way to experience the rules I presented in...
As a student of Vedhic astrology, one of the challenges that I faced was studying classical texts. We have so many texts and every text has some exceptional content. Most of the translators did not get a chance to validate the principles mentioned in the texts and due to this, the accuracy of the translation was reduced. One example is Moola Rashi and Dhathu Rashi. This is well explained in my book ‘Untold Vedhic Astrology’. Due to all the reasons mentioned above, I started noting my own observations while studying various classical texts. Over some time, I also felt that novice students of astrology can progress faster if they get validated knowledge. This is also good for the development of Vedhic astrology. Therefore, I decided to publish my notes from various classical texts as a manual. This is a good reference book for novice students of Vedhic astrology. While making my notes I referred to many classical texts including Bruhath P...
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