Astrological analysis of Mr. Narendra Modi Part 2
Date of Birth: Sunday, September 17, 1950 Time of Birth: 11:00:00 AM Place of Birth: Mehsana Longitude: 72 E 28 Latitude: 23 N 3 Time Zone: 5.5 Many people think Mr. Modi’s birth time 11:00 AM and few feel that it is 12:09 PM. After rectification, I could confirm that it is 10:56 AM In this post, I plan to discuss various Yoga in Mr. Modi’s horoscope. The first is Neechabhanga Rajayoga or cancellation of debility. Many astrologers wonder if Neechabhanga is possible for Scorpio. Mr.Modi’s horoscope is best example of Neechabhanga Rajayoga for Scorpio Moon. In this case, ascendant lord, Mars and ninth lord Moon are in ascendant. Lords of quadrant and trine are together causing a Rajayoga. The Moon is in Scorpio that is her debilitated sign and occupies ascendant. This fulfills first requirement of Neechabhanga Rajayoga. M...