Astrological analysis of Mr. Bachchan Part 1

Mr. Bachchan is another legendary figure in our country. He is a versatile actor and has same glamour even in his seventies. Mr. Bachchan has also seen many difficulties in his lifetime and he emerged successfully. His horoscope is also interesting from this perspective. Let us learn a bit more about his horoscope in this series.

Date of Birth: Sunday, October 11, 1942

       Time of Birth: 16:00:00
       Place of Birth: Allahabad
       Longitude: 81 E 50
       Latitude: 25 N 57
       Time Zone: 5.5

                Many people think Mr. Bachchan’s birth time is 4 PM. Some think it is 3:30 PM. After rectification, I could confirm that it is 3:55 PM.
This is a very interesting horoscope because prima facie it may look like an average horoscope. In this post, let us learn about basic combinations in the horoscope.
Ascendant and the Moon both are airy signs and ascendant have an aspect of an airy planet, the Saturn. All the signs are of typically airy personality. Please refer my book 'Untold Vedic Astrology' for indications of different Mahabhuthas.
Ketu is in ascendant and has an aspect of ascendant lord Saturn. Both these planets suggest old age. In addition, Saturn indicates hair and Kethu suggests grey hair.
Exalted Jupiter who is a Maraka for Aquarius is in sixth house indicating challenges related to stomach and intestines.
In this horoscope, Jupiter and Mercury are exalted. Note that Mars, Venus & Mercury all three are combust. Mercury is also retrograde and Venus a Yogakaraka is debilitated in eighth house.
        Only Venus is in eighth Bhava. Moon, Sun, Mars and Mercury are in ninth Bhava. Even though the planets that change Bhava are weak and ineffective, as these planets move to ninth house, they naturally turn a little positive.
        Jupiter the lord of second (wealth) and eleventh (gains) is exalted and in Vargotthamansha indicate ample money with ease. Exalted eleventh lord also suggest much acceptance from people. Exalted fifth and eighth lord suggest good intelligence and great family heritage.
        Five planets in visible half is an indication that he might be a businessperson or a freelancer.
        The Sun (Kendra lord), Mars (Kendra lord), Mercury (Trikona lord), & Venus (Yogakaraka) is the key combination in this horoscope. Interestingly, all four planets are karakas for Aquarius ascendant and are in close vicinity. Mars & Venus together is a sign of romantic nature. Venus & Mercury is a sign of interest in arts and literature. Sun & Mercury together is a combination for intelligence. Mercury & Mars is an indication of commercial arts. Finally, Mercury is a winner. Untold Vedic Astrology has details of how to interpret planetary combinations. 
        In next post, we shall learn about analysis from Moon sign and its connection with Lagna Horoscope.


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