Which is most important element out of 5 elements and why?

In the last post, we learned how to do a Yadnya without a Purohit or a priest. The importance of Yadnya is undebatable and fire is a key in Yadnya.
As you might know, we consider 5 elements. Prithvi or earth, Aap or water, Teja or a form of energy and heat, Vayu or form of air. Finally, Aakash or atmosphere.
The very first Rhucha or stanza of Rhugveda refers to fire.

ॐ अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्यदेवमृत्विजम् ।
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ॥१॥

Om Agnim-Iille Purohitam Yajnyasya Devam-Rtvijam |
Hotaaram Ratna-Dhaatamam ||1||

1.1: Om, I praise Agni who is the Purohita (Priest) of the Yagya (Sacrifice) (Priest leading the Sacrifice), (as well as) its Ritvij (Priest performing Sacrifice at proper times); the Yagya which is directed towards the Devas,
1.2: Who is (also) the Hotara (Priest invoking the Gods) and the bestower of Ratna (Wealth of physical, mental, and spiritual plane).

It says Agni Meele Purohitm and You might wonder what is special about Agni or fire.

Agni suggests an energy that can be anywhere in the universe. Other elements have natural limitations of location.
Atmosphere or Akash is only around a few planets. Air doesn't exist outside of the atmosphere. Prithvi is only limited to planets. Water is limited to earth. Therefore, only Teja is universal.
There are different forms of Fire. The regular fire is the most obvious form of Teja. Heat is another form. The Sun and stars are the universal form of Teja. Teja can burn. Burning is a process of converting one form of energy to another form. Due to so many reasons, Teja has a very high place in Veda and Vedic processes.
The Yadnya is exactly this process of moving from one phase to another and completing the cycle. Conversion of energy from one form to another is a key part of Yadnya.
There are many types of Agni or fires. Mantragni, the energy of mantra. Jatharagni or the energy of digestion, Dnyanagni, or the fire of knowledge. Badabagni or the fire of insult. Kamagni the fire of desire. These are 5 key forms of fire. I have explained more about these Fires in my book Untold Nakshatra Jyotish and here I want to explain why Fire is the key element out of all the elements.


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