|| Counselling ||


Life Summary Report
Sometimes we want to understand more about our life. We would like to know where we are headed. We get questions like Whether a job or business is more appropriate for me? What shall I look for in my spouse? How would be my life? How would be my relations? Whether I would gain a position of power? "What's the purpose of my life?" How much would I grow? You will get answers to such questions in this report.
This report is helpful to spouses to understand each other better and it can also help to guide your kids appropriately. Here is the Sample Report for reference. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sKkttyhUZsuliSdBQpWisE0vR_YoKtf9/view?usp=sharing). The fees for this report are Rs. 500 for Indian residents and $10 for Foreign residents. Here are some sample pictures from the report.

Priority Counselling
There are times in our life when we think we need some direction to take a big step or a major decision. A better way to take take a decision is to peek into the future and make the call. We generally look around us for guidance. Sometimes we find people who may help us and sometimes we need additional support. Vedic astrology is one such thing that helps you to peek into the future and make a decision.
Just knowing about the future may not be enough and we want to build our own future. Traditional and modern remedies are for our help to build the future. 
This service is for those is want to make a difference in their future by learning from their past and knowing their future. This offering includes answers to up to two specific questions. You may send your date, time, and place of birth along with your two questions. You will get a call from me to know more about your questions. This call is generally for 15 minutes. After this, I will analyze the horoscope and give you another call within a week. This call is to answer the questions and may continue for up to 45 minutes.
        The price of this service for Indian residents is Rs. 1500 and for non-Indian residents is $40. Indian residents shall pay the fees on https://www.payumoney.com/ by clicking this button.

Before connecting with me I suggest you read my blog post. 
How do planets affect us?

Vaastu Counselling
        Vaastu counseling is for people who are about to buy or rent land or a house. Every Vaastu has advantages and limitations unless it is 100%  as per guidance. Nowadays most of us buy a ready house and it may not be 100% Vaastu complaint. In such cases, it is important to identify which requirements need to be fulfilled and accordingly which Vaastu rules shall be met and which can be adjusted.

        This service is for 1 session. The session is mainly to discuss your priorities and what rules shall be followed. In these sessions, we may discuss the advantages and limitations of up to 3 shortlisted houses and see which house fits the best for your needs. The price of this service for Indian residents is Rs. 2500 and non-Indian residents is $100. Indian residents shall pay the fees on Pay U Money by clicking the below button or pasting this link in the browser (https://www.payumoney.com/paybypayumoney/#/C7957588768F5FC2D80CBFD40701A0D0).

Pre-marriage / Post Marriage Counselling
        When we identify our life partner we wonder if the person chosen is a match or not. One of the very basic questions is how to decide if the relationship will be successful or not. How to identify the right person for a relationship.
        Many times people go by looks or sometimes they are cheated. A few times the person turns out very different than anticipated. Even though there are times when the bride and groom are good but they just don't gel well. Astrology may help to avoid all such situations.
        Astrology may help us identify the nature of an individual, whether he or she is a match or not, and if the relationship will be successful or not.
        This service is divided into 3 sessions. The first session is to understand the basics of relationships as per your horoscope. The second session is to identify your needs or know if those needs are fulfilled by an identified partner or not. The final session is to confirm whether the relationship will be successful or not.
        The price of this service for Indian residents is Rs. 1500 and non-Indian residents $60.

Horoscope Matching for Marriage
    If you like to match the horoscopes before marriage then this service is appropriate for you. We have a unique method to match the horoscope which is much more in-depth than the conventional method. This method is based on our research in Psychology and Astrology.
        The price of this service for Indian residents is Rs. 500 and non-Indian residents $15 per match.

Muhurtam or Election of Time
    Starting anything at a good time certainly has an impact on the future and so either a major milestone or Savskara shall be performed on a good Muhurtham. We suggest personalized Muhurtham based on the Horoscope of the native.
        The price of this service for Indian residents is Rs. 500 and non-Indian residents $15 per match.

Building the Future of Your Kids
        Nowadays we start preparing our kids for the future as early as possible. As we all know, the earlier they start better it is for the kids. Generally, we try many different options till one of them clicks for them. This is a long and time-consuming process. To avoid this some people prefer psychometric tests. The success of psychometric tests is totally dependent on what the kid answers and it may not be accurate.
        One of the most accurate methods is to analyze the horoscope and groom the kids as per the future identified by the horoscope. This is effective as lesser time is wasted in identifying appropriate careers and more time is invested in the right area. This is also helpful for teenagers.
        This service is for 1 session. The session is mainly to discuss how the kid is behaving and the nature of the kid as per the horoscope. In this session, we may also discuss the short-term and long-term plans for the kid.
        The price of this service for Indian residents is Rs. 1500 and non-Indian residents $40. Indian residents shall pay the fees here.

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