|| Courses ||

1. Principles of Predictions Program

If you don't feel confidant in Astrological Analysis or Prediction then this is the right course for you. Sometimes it happens that even after studying and practicing astrology, you can't predcit accurately or are not confidant about your prediction. This course will help you to in your analysis and accuracy of prediction. Here are the course contents. 

Course Contents

  1. Meaning and Significations of  Houses, Planets and Signs
  2. Bhavachalit Kundali and its Applications
  3. Analysis of Rahu, Kethu the Sun and the Moon
  4. Meaning and Significations of Aspects & Yogas and their Connection
  5. Connection of 2 or more planets, Special cases of Conjunction, Analysis of Yogas, association with Rahu and Kethu 
  6. Meaning and Significations of Combust, Retrograde, Stambhi, Exalted or Debilitated Planets.
  7. Identifying the most Challanged Houses
  8. Identifying the beneficial areas of the horoscope
  9. Analysis of Various areas of life like Education, Career, Marriage, Children, Health, Wealth, Foreign Travel, etc.
  10. Analysis of connection of Various areas of Life
  11. Analysis of Various Ascendants 
  12. Raj Yogas, Neechabhanga Raj yogas, Veepareeta Rajyogas, Maraka Planets, and Ucchabhanga 
  13. Side effects of planets in various phases
  14. Accurate Matching of Horoscopes
    This course has 50 sessions of 1.5 hours each. It will be conducted over weekends, 2 sessions a week. The total duration of the course is 6 months. The course fees for the course are Rs. 9999 for Indian students and Rs. 20000 for global students. The course is suitable for everybody who wants to be a professional astrologer and has studied basics of astrology. The medium is English or Marathi. This program starts twice every year.

The course starts on a year, on the Gudipadwa or Hindu new year's day and on the Deepavali Padwa day.

2. Simplified Vedic Astrology Level 1 Program


    Many of us have an interest to peek into the future and also want to help others by telling them about their future. Some of us have already started learning and are unsure of the path. Here is the program that will guide you throughout your journey of Vedic Astrology.

Objectives of the Program

  1. Understand key principles of Vedic astrology
  2. Methodically dissect the horoscope
  3. Learn quick and easy methods to read horoscope
  4. Learn subjective and objective aspects of a horoscope
  5. Predict with high accuracy and confidence

The program has 3 important dimensions.

It teaches the relationship of modern psychology to Vedic Astrology. It also connects modern astronomy to Vedic astrology.

The second dimension is a project that starts on day 1 of the program. You are going to present your project work. You will apply the principles of Vedic astrology to people's lives.

The Third dimension is the astronomical aspects of Astrology.  

    This course has 100 sessions of 1.5 hours each. It will be conducted over weekends, 2 sessions a week. The total duration of the course is 12 months. The course fees for the course are Rs. 25000 for Indian students and Rs. 50000 for global students. The course is suitable for everybody who wants to be an astrologer. The medium is English or Marathi. 
This program starts twice every year.

The course starts on a year, on the Gudipadwa or Hindu new year's day and on the Deepavali Padwa day.

This program is divided into 4 Modules. Here are the high-level contents of the modules.

 Module 1
        High-Level Contents (Understanding the Fundamental Principles)

  • Identify the type of horoscope.
  • Fundamental principles of Vedic astrology.
  • Purusharthas and their Purpose. 
  • Modern Personality theories.
  • How Bhava Karakatwa (House Significations) was Identified. 
  • Various theories of Bhava Kkarakatwa.
  • Bhavachalit Kundali. What are the purpose and advantages?
  • How Rashi karaktwas were Identified. Various theories of Rashi karaktwas.
  • How graha karaktwas were Identified. Relationships of Graha and Rashi.
    Module 2
      High-Level Contents (Analysis of Horoscope)
  • Predictions for key areas of life.
  • Interpretation of Results of planets in various houses.
  • Interpretation of Results of lords of each house in various houses.
  • Interpretation of Results of yoga in a particular horoscope.
  • Interpretation of Results of aspects.
  • Identifying the focus of the horoscope.
  • Analysis of Bhavas. Key principles of accurate predictions.
  • Practice real horoscopes.

    Module 3
      High-Level Contents (Timing of Events through Transits)
  • Timing of Events in key areas of life (education, career, marriage, progeny, and travel to health and death)
  • Identify Important milestones in life.
  • Predict the timing of an event with fair (+- 3 months) accuracy.
  • Apply Transits to Divisional Horoscopes.
  • Identify eventful phases in life.
  • Identify the patterns of events (Daily, Monthly, and Annual).
  • Predict the horoscope of the Progeny.
Module 4
      High-Level Contents (Daily Applications)
    • Nakshatras and their applications.
    • Muhurtha or election of time for various events.
    • Matching horoscopes for marriage compatibility.
    • Basic remedies for unresourceful transits.

    If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at 7719926102 or email us at gaurishb@gmail.com.

    3. Simplified Timing of Events (Planetary Transits)
        Timing of Events is a hard nut to crack. Even many good astrologers face difficulties in pinpointing the timing of events. I have been using the Dhasha and the Transits in combination to predict the timing of events. This program covers the Planetary Transits aspect of the timing of events.
        It includes the connection of transits with the physical and emotional development of humans. It also covers the connection between the cycle of life with transits. It covers various aspects of life right from education, career, marriage, progeny, and travel to health and death with many real-life examples.
    Here are additional features of the program.

    1.      Identifies Important milestones in life.

    2.      Predicts the timing of an event with fair (+- 3 months) accuracy.

    3.      Application of Transits to Divisional Horoscopes.

    4.      Identifies eventful phases in life.

    5.      Identifies the patterns of events.

    6.      Predict the horoscope of the Progeny.

        This program is for 3 months, twice a week, and 1.5 hours per session. The fee for the program is Rs. 8000 for Indian residents. For NRI and foreign citizens, it is Rs. 16000. This program starts every quarter.
        If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at 7719926102 or email us at gaurishb@gmail.com.

    4. Fundamentals of Vaastu Shastra for Residential Houses 

    Objectives of the Program

      Understand the key principles of Vasthu Shastra

      Methodically dissect the Vasthu

      Design a Prosperous Vasthu

      Learn quick and easy methods to identify the challenges in the Vasthu

      Identify accurate remedies and resolutions for the challenges

    This program explains the fundamental principles of Vastu Shastra and demonstrates its application to residential houses. It is a practical program and you will have activities to perform regularly.

     This program has 24 sessions of 1.2 hours each. It will be conducted over weekends/evenings IST, 2 sessions a week. The total duration of the course is 3 months. The course fees for the course are Rs. 12000 for Indian students and Rs. 24000 for global students. The course is suitable for everybody who wants to conduct a Vastu analysis and provide remedies for improvement. The medium is English or Marathi. This program starts every quarter.

      5. Free Program on Basics of Vedic Astrology (Calculations for Drawing a Chart)
          This free program offers a basic understanding of Vedic Astrology. It also explains the calculations of drawing a chart. Even though we use software for drawing software today some people are interested in learning the calculations and it helps in better understanding. Therefore I have given them here for inquisitive minds. I encourage all the students of astrology to go through this Program.


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